Name: Abaychi: Strategy of Development and Modernizing of Master Plan

Final client: Baghdad Province (public sector client)

Location: Abaychi, Baghdad Province, Iraq

Dates: 2009 – 2011

Origin of funding: Baghdad Province 80%, Republic of Iraq 20%

Name of consortium members: BOCP Development, Jiran Kohout Architekti s.r.o., Sociofond, Petr Hrdlička, European Transportation Consultancy

Type of services provided: Analyses of status quo and proposals of variants of development in the areas of water management and natural resources protection

Technical parameters: City of Abaychi – 5 000 inhabitants in 2010

Description of project: The studies of strategy development of the city of Abaychi (Baghdad Province in the central part of Iraq) comprised the following sectors: introduction of new types of industrial and agricultural production, introduction of clean sustainable policies in water and landscape management, enhancement and improvement of existing health care and educational facilities, waste management, water management, introduction of environmental friendly solutions, improvement of public facilities and areas etc.

Description of services provided: The company SINDLAR provided consultancy services in the following areas: water resources, water balance, drinking water supply for inhabitants, water potabilization, wastewater management, rainwater management, wastewater treatment plants, irrigation systems, water for industry and agriculture, flood protection, water resources, nature protection and landscape planning.



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