Name: Gravitational drinking water supply systems for communities in andean region of Peru

Location: Huandobamba and Chacapampa, province Ambo, region Huánuco, Peru

Date: 2011

In august 2011 the company SINDLAR PERÚ S.A.C. finished the project of the improvement and the extension of the drinking water supply system for the rural communities in the Huánuco Region, Peru. The drinking water absence caused suffering of the people who were forced to use the contaminated water from the irrigation canals. The communities suffer from various diseases – e.g. cholera, typhoid fever and other gastroenteric diseases. The implementation of the drinking water supply projects can also reduce the children mortality caused by diarrhoea and gastric problems.

The members of the rural community participated in the construction of the drinking water systems. Their participation was the non-qualified work, such as: excavations, material transportation and the pipeline installation.


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