
V minulých týdnech zahájila Západočeská univerzita v Plzni revitalizaci náletového lesoparku, který je součástí kampusu na Borech. Práce začaly pěstební probírkou dřevin a budou pokračovat zpracováním studie a projektové dokumentace.
Naše společnost ve spolupráci s Ing. Martinou Havlovou, Ph.D. a Ing. et. Bc. Radkem Prokešem, Ph.D. připravuje celkový návrh architektonického, krajinářského a vodohospodářského řešení. 🌲🌳💧
Více si přečtěte v tiskové zprávě ZČU 👇


Elaboration of the “Concept of ecological management, restoration and spontaneous re-naturalization of Bečva River, river km 0 – 42” started in September 2011.

The investor of the study is Union for the Morava River and the results will be focused on coordination of interests of Non-governmental organizations and the watercourse administrator.


The company SINDLAR have won the tender for project and design elaboration – sewage system and wastewater treatment plant in the town Pilníkov.


Construction of flood protection measures of the towns Moravičany and Loštice is taking place at present. The company SINDLAR has elaborated the design and documentation of this project.

The construction works started in the year 2010 and will be finalized in the year 2011.


Construction of restoration and flood control measures in the town Havlíčkův Brod is continuing. The company SINDLAR has elaborated the design and documentation of this project.

The construction works started in the year 2010 and will be finalized in the year 2012.



From 1 September has become the EU SINDLAR Ltd., representing SINDLAR group, consortium EURONET CONSULTING.

Detailed information can be obtained from


In the years 1997 – 2009 restoration measures were realized in the town Chrudim, on the southern mill canal – approx. length 1000 m. The objective of the project was improvement of ecological and aesthetic function of the canal and its incorporation in the urban architecture of the town.


Since the year 2010 the SINDLAR group has extended its offer for the cities and towns – the new services comprise the elaboration of digital flood management plans, including the installation of early warning systems.


Pond restoration in Prkenný Důl was completed – the measures comprised sludge removal, reconstruction of some technical objects and fish ladder construction.


The company SINDLAR and the administrator of the Elbe river basin celebrated a contract regarding the project of polder construction near the town Kutřín. The company SINDLAR will elaborate the design and documentation of the project with the following parameters: retention volume 4.5 millions m3, flooded area 80 ha, dike height 18 m.


Elaboration of documentation for the flood control measures in the town Moravičany and the city Loštice was started. Project parameters: approx. 2 km of earth dikes, protective walls, mobile barriers, weir reconstruction, relocation of supply systems (water, gas, electricity), technical structures on Třebůvka river, change of transverse profile of the river.



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