The basic business strategy of the SINDLAR Group is to extend its services through a network of subsidiaries or business representatives in countries where suitable opportunities for water management and environmental experts can be found.
The Group is focused on water as a basic factor of development and long term sustainability of any society. Because of different natural and socioeconomic conditions in the regions where we currently operate, as well as in potential new destinations, the Group creates working teams with a high degree of adaptability, which is necessary for finding solutions for projects in various environments. Our range of services guarantees solutions that will not harm the environment or adversely affect the natural values in the locality.
Our fundamental strategy in areas with developed economies and a high degree of urbanisation is the restoration of damaged ecosystems of watercourses and river basins, including the protection of water resources and landscape biodiversity, which ensures their sustainable use. In these regions, solving the question of flood protection by means of naturally similar flood control measures is also very important, as are adaptive measures for the effects of drought.
Our fundamental strategy in developing countries is providing clean water sources for drinking and industrial purposes and utilising hydroelectric potential to improve the hygienic, health and social standards of a society. At the same time, the issue of wastewater treatment and ecosystem protection mustn’t be forgotten so that existing natural sources are not harmed, as happened in the past in highly developed economies and urbanised areas. Naturally similar flood control measures are also important for developing countries, especially their application in combination with land use planning and developing flood control management plans. Here a basic condition is a sufficient monitoring network of meteorological stations and limnigraphs for obtaining necessary information on the hydrological cycle. The creation, improvement or extension of such networks is one of the main services which we offer our customers.
Business principles
Our main business principle is based on internal documentation which defines our corporate identity and requires all employees in all subsidiaries to treat the customers well, with all necessary care, and to take an active interest in the resolution of their problems.
The companies in the Group have gained their positive reputations by maintaining good interpersonal relations, both within the working teams and among business partners, and through the high number of references from satisfied customers.
All our employees are encouraged to behave honestly and honourably, our word is our bond, just as secure as a signed contract. Even so, all contracts and agreements are recorded in digital and paper form. We expect the same principles from our business partners.
The culture of negotiations and responsibility for the mutual fulfilment of obligations is a key factor for the conclusion of short-term and long-term contracts and the creation of external teams.